Bio-Defense Network staff successfully and dramatically expanded the percentage of St. Louis County residents covered by Closed Points of Dispensing from about 27% to more than 70%, meaning that seven out of ten of the one-million residents in the county are covered by Closed PODs, allowing the county to focus on the remaining population that will be served by Open PODs in the event of a public health emergency.

Recognizing the value of the model they had designed for St. Louis County, the program’s founders created Bio-Defense Network LLC and began working to replicate it elsewhere. view all communities.

Bio-Defense Network believes that community preparedness will save lives in the event of a public health emergency, and is committed to helping public health departments be even better prepared to deal with bio-terrorism, pandemic or other emergency event.

We believe in pay for performance, meaning our clients pay us when we accomplish results.  If we don’t get results, we don’t get paid.  (But so far, that hasn’t happened; we have consistently exceeded our goals and over-delivered.)

We offer free half-hour consultations with any local public health department that wants to learn more about our program and to consider joining the Bio-Defense Network.

Contact us to arrange a no-risk, no-obligation, consultation with our team.